Dear Writers,

I didn’t sit down, write a book, magically find the perfect agent who thankfully sold my book to HarperCollins! Gosh, I wish it happened like that.

I wrote and wrote … and wrote. My friends laugh when they mention my drawer full of books. It’s true. I tell frustrated writers that if they can’t get a book sold now, put it away for another time. And, yes, I have a drawer of manuscripts that maybe I’ll return to someday.

I wrote The Home for Wayward Girls after my drawer was close to full. It took time, and research, and revisions. It’s done now. I’m incredibly proud. And, I hope you’ll read it soon!


Q. I’m stuck and feeling less than creative? What should I do?

A. Get out of your space. Go to a cafe or park. Bring your writing utensils. Support local businesses like Mimi’s Cafe that I like to visit in Mt. Kisco. Or try Think Coffee on 4th Avenue in the City. Both have fantastic staff, superb people watching, and great pastries, too. Sit down, make yourself comfy, and write a scene.

Q. Can you get me started? How about a prompt?
A. Try this: A writer is sitting in a café. Suddenly a big truck arrives and movers begin to take away the furniture surrounding them…

Do you have a question? Something holding your story back or one of those nagging “this isn’t working” thoughts? Maybe you’re wondering how much backstory to include in fiction or in memoir. Or should you change the POV (point of view) in your novel? Please send me a question and I’ll try to help!

Contact Marcia